May 26, 2008

14th anniversary....

Today is a very special day. My partner and I are celebrating 14 years together and it has seemingly come up so quickly! We aren't officially married yet, it's been discussed, it's all about the timing for both of us.

We were in retrospect such kids when we started 'going out?' or is it 'dating?' and I have forgotten the moment he stopped being my "boyfriend" and then referred to as my "partner"
...I now on occasion call him my "husband". I like that, so officially I haven't the ring on my finger which I absolutely don't mind...but I like titles and in some situations "husband" has the right impact.

Fourteen years!

We aren't celebrating in style tonight unfortunately no babysitters were available and monday night out doesn't seem that exciting... so we shall save the date for a near future weekend. However I suspect a very nice bottle of wine and pizza with the kids and I'm more than happy to celebrate in style later!

Note: the photo is of MD (my partner) rocking out with his band at Cherry Rock earlier this year.


Kirsty said...

14 years - congratulations. Hope you enjoyed the pizza & the bottle of wine.

Melanie Gray Augustin said...

Congratulations on 14 years!