January 30, 2008

A breath of fresh air...

I have been very consumed lately and in a previous post I explained just one aspect of the many dilemma's I have had to face, not negative just about choices. Well yesterday I found the courage and I closed a very small chapter in my life that had so much promise and yet the reality of the situation was, it wasn't fitting in with my current lifestyle or needs and fiscally the hours were too low to warrant my children in more days of childcare, so I resigned. I felt a tinge of sadness like I had given away a very good opportunity (Thankfully for once this wasn't in hindsight and had to be a very thoughtful decision) as I hadn't worked for this woman for long and really liked what she was involved in designing (Commercial Interior design work an area I have been itching to get into for a while!). Sometimes you have to face these decisions head on.

I would also like to say 'Thank you' a to One Little Acorn who left a response on this particular post and whose words were so inspiring that it actually enabled me to go through with the decision. I hadn't been able to discuss this with friends at great length and so really valued the feedback that was given. The icing on the cake was and appropriately so, discussing the "What if's" with my partner, his insight was the icing on the cake.

So I move on with the decision made, followed through and hopefully not too many toes stepped on in the process. I feel very comfortable in letting go and in letting go I always feel new opportunity's arise. As this one came out of the blue I feel anything could come my way now and that is like a breath of fresh air.


Jacinta said...

Glad to have helped (even though I didn't know it at the time). Also very happy to hear you have been able to see a clear direction. It does feel like a breath of fresh air when these things fall into place.

em.s said...

congratulations on your move. we only ever propel ourselves in a forward motion. Even when the steps feel like they are in reverse you are still learning, still growing, still shaping a future and moving forward!