December 05, 2005

First cab off the rank!

Finally I have made the time to set my blog up! having just come back from a trip to Canberra I feel more refreshed, even if my voice is strained from lack of sleep and too much talking and even if I have a mouth ulcer the size of a 1 cent peice!-Note: Must call dentist.... Anyway I have done a blissful moment, with child asleep and partner out of the house.... I wrote a list of Things to do:....No time frame just a list of people to call, stuff to organise and personal projects that needed to be developed and commenced. I and my partner have big plans for 2006 and really the early drafts and initial development has to be put in place now! So this is my starting point. I refer to myself as Lilli-boo a nickname my mother coined for me at a very early age, my sister whose 20 months younger then me is Chrissie-pie and the third sister Kirsti-pudding (whose 6yrs 1 month younger) then Megan who is 14 years 11 months & 3 weeks younger then me! So cute names have always been a source of reference in my family, although Megan's cute name is probably pronounced Meee-g-e-y) if you get my drift. Well enough of the naming process for the moment I'll set this baby up and will come back with another post soon.

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