October 09, 2010

Happiness is... (Blogtoberfest Day 9)

Well many things but for today's post...Happiness refers to the delight that the several thousand photo's I thought I had lost were actually found on my computer. .You see we had already been through this dilemma last year when a virus attacked our computer twice and I thought we had backed up everything nicely but lo and behold I checked my Adobe Photoshop Starter Edition (which doesn't exist anymore) and no pictures from 2005 -2009 all gone, vanished, Now I knew I was meant to back these photos up in another photoshop format ie flickr etc but was lazy and kept thinking "I will do that soon".....

Cleo '5 days old' 2007

Cleo & Orion 2007
Now these photo's weren't all of display quality but they were a snap shots of my family, my life and with newborn pictures of my daughter and everything else I was devastated that they could be gone forever! Having had it explained by my dear partner that we couldn't have lost any of the photo's, he had been able to retrive all the data. I perservered and there on my computer under a  file which I had clicked on several times but not looked through thoroughly held the key, it had folder simple called "My pictures" which contained 4 years worth of my digital snaps and I am one happy girl... so for this post a  couple of snapshots I thought I have lost in the timewarp of computers and forever grateful someone had the foresight to back up our computer thoroughly...Thanks babe..

Cleo '6 months old' 2007

Cleo & Orion 2007

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