March 29, 2010

8 days overdue & how to make the waiting productive...

I'm finding this stage of the pregnancy actually calming! I don't feel this great urge to feel frustrated or anxious which is a complete turn around to how I thought I would feel! it's allowing me time to myself as my Partner generously is taking on the role of entertaining the kids when they require to get out of the house.

I'm also having the luxury of sleeping in, which is helping as I am still waking at odd hours of the morning feeling hungry, real hungry. So I usually have a bowl of weetbix & honey, which is as healthy and satisfying as I can muster when thick headed from such early morning rising!

I'm also relishing that the house feels organised. After we received a delivery of furniture organised by my wonderful Mother & Auntie who are in the final stages of organising all the allocated pieces of furniture inherited from my Grandmother's house to all family member's. So grateful they have come whilst I wasn't in hospital, so humbled with what we have received, it's lovely to have these pieces as a reminder of my feels very sentimental, a marriage of sorts...something old, something new, something borrowed...

In receiving these various items we have finally had our storage problems solved, patience has been a virtue here as we really didn't have a place for the baby clothes...our clothes were busting out of my original chest of drawers, which I have finally been able to give to my son. (& had always intended to) Yet knowing I had these pieces coming to us, I couldn't change anything around until they had arrived, although I suppressed the urge to go to IKEA out of shear frustration just to alleviate the storage/drawers dilemma and thankfully I did. A great lesson in patience.

By yesterday, we threw caution to the wind and headed to St Kilda to watch the F-18, Russian Roulettes and the Boeing Jet do their acrobatics and flyover...was just pleasant to get out.

Today we have Cousin Alex visiting and so have made playdough and some wonderful creative play and conversations have ensued!

After the DVD they are currently watching, some real cooking with Grandma who is going to instruct them on how to make Peanut Butter Choc Chip slice...if good, a recipe update may have to follow...

1 comment:

Jacinta said...

What a beautiful chest of drawers. How lovely to have something so special and solid and reminiscent of your grandparents and your past.
Good luck over the next few weeks. Sounds like everything is ready for the new arrival and you are feeling well. Thinking of you.