We don't have a pretty garden at all, it's more a courtyard that has grass, a folding clothes line and a shed...But we manage to host some pretty fun barbeque's for all occasions. The kids have enough space to play and do a little exploring but unfortunately it hasn't inspired me to become a gardener as such (yet?)... I do love beautiful garden's and many member's of my family have truly green thumbs! yet sadly our green patch doesn't come under this banner..it has potential...
So something I love in our backyard (Ahhhem!) the rain!....and the little collections acquired along the way, sticks, gum nuts, rocks and small wheelbarrow to cart them around...
This week's theme as suggested by Beyond Pink and Blue, the 'Eye spy' meme as hosted by Cindy from Bug and pop.
I'm betting there's close on a hundred cigarette lighters buried under that grass somewhere.
You cannot beat rain in the backyard or rain anywhere in fact!! Loved the photos:)
Oh lovely pictures. I am sure it is not about how much space but how you use the space and it looks perfect...xx
Thank you for all your comments...in regards to Kingsley's comments..Not so much cigarette lighter's, as butts, champagne corks and the standard bottle tops! Anyway I'll stop there this could ruin my clean cut reputation ;-)
I love a garden that has some mystery to it!! Good exploring material I'm sure!
Great to meet you the other day. x (that's a hand shake type kiss)
Oh! All my favourite things in one spot! XXxx
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