November 22, 2008

Merry Christmas, Happy Birthday and more...

What a weekend... For me it started at 8am I was meant to have an MRI... I didn't like it... it felt very claustrophobic so had to make another appointment so I can be sedated which I would prefer at the very least to be relaxed. It still has to be done and isn't anything serious, just a formality and for resolution!

So after that experience I head off to work an hour early... Yes, I work Saturday's in a showroom... but in hindsight the early start was a godsend as I was able to be very prepared for my first meeting with a prospective client and it ended up being a very productive meeting....

The rest of the day went smoothly...even managing a proper lunch break for the first time in months...which meant actually leaving the building and taking half an hour to eat and do some shopping...this was important as we had our annual Playgroup Christmas party later that day and I had to buy the kids a present which was given to them by Santa....

Work over and not a very stressful day,Thankfully in due part to the owner having gone overseas and not breathing down our necks!
The MRI experience behind me and booked for another day...I was off to celebrate Christmas!

I also had other reasons to celebrate too it was my sister's birthday the same day and this is, as we traditionally always mention the time of the year when she and I are officially 'One' year apart in age..... "Happy Birthday Chrissi" enjoy your last year in your 30's it's always going to be a memorable one....

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