October 09, 2008

Photo's of Reflection - Part 2.

These photo's were taken in Canberra at the National Gallery of Australia (NGA).... I spent quite abit of time in the sculpture garden and looking at the view over Lake Burley Griffin to the city. For me Canberra resonates on many levels as I was born there, I grew up in the suburbs and did all my schooling to Year 12 before moving to Sydney. I certainly have gone through periods especially as a teenager when all you wanted to do was travel and move away from Canberra. That said, I fulfilled that wish but really love coming *home*, it's familiarity is certainly welcomed.

One place I always have come back to is the National Gallery of Australia, it certainly was a place I could find time to lose myself, to think, to be inspired to go forth and create. I even did work experience there back in 1986. Interestingly the then Director James Mollison asked me what I'd like to do, when I told him I wanted to study Interior Design, he told me flat out that I'd never get in the course I wanted to apply for as it was very competitive. (How discouraging is that for a Senior Arts administrator!)

However, I wasn't discouraged at all and I certainly had my detractors (a story for another time!). I started my Degree in Interior Design at the Sydney College of the Arts (now UTS) a year later and I have always looked back at that occasion, sitting in this high profiled Director's office and realised that no matter how discouraging people can be to you whether intentional or not, if you truly believe in yourself you can achieve.

I'm not sure where all this is surfaced from, it certainly hasn't been playing on mind. I feel i have a real connection with the gallery as it has become a safe haven for visiting at moments when I want unwind or again be inspired. However this visit lead me to some new artists and looking at paintings I used to love and this time round was very uninspired by their work and felt that overall the collection as looking tired. My opinion.....

So the photo's show the beauty even in an overcast day of the sculpture garden where I have have read many a book, had a picnic and philosophised with friends over the years or even enjoyed an afternoon tea with my family....

1 comment:

edward and lilly said...

I love the NGA but I can't believe a senior arts administrator would be so negative, terrible!