February 12, 2008

moving on....

Having had my head in the clouds for a while now...quite self obsessed (not always a great place to be!) but also with good reason in regards to life changes ...not being well for 8 days straight can do the trick and in the midst of all this I have come out the other side slightly more determined then where I started, not *feeling* so well...slightly spurred on today by the fact that my colleague requested that I wasn't still 'myself' and shouldn't I take a fortnight off to clear my head? Which was very considerate of her.

Normally I would jump at that chance and boy I have really felt that that is what I required but when put straight to me...I just wasn't interested in having that time off, yet...it's now time for me to really focus and to start finishing some projects I have been in the middle of, that have been in limbo for a while now...

I look forward to updating you more on these projects and now I feel clearer in mind and spirit...illness can do that to you...take you on what feels like the 'crap road' to discovery and in the end I was even a little grateful it happened...I'm still working on being well and with some consistantly late nights with my little girl not only teething (4 teeth at once...who programmed that in her??) Plus her also fighting a virus it has really been sleep deprived city around here (Ok, I did have an annual night out for the month but don't begrudge me that!)

So moving along...I really and seeing the 'light at the end of the tunnel' and for the first time in a long time it's a clear view....

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